readingList of 9 Top Software Development Frameworks in 2024
Software Development Frameworks

List of 9 Top Software Development Frameworks in 2024

  • Do you want to reduce your development efforts for creating software?
  • Do you want to achieve the optimum level of productivity?
  • Do you want to increase the speed of your software development?

If yes, then you need the right software development framework.

As there are different software development tools and frameworks available, picking up the right for your software becomes difficult.

As a top-rated software company in Canada, we have developed software applications for 100+ clients; so based on our experience, we have curated a list of frameworks that help you develop your software while doing repetitive coding.

In this article, you will learn

  • Different popular software development frameworks
  • Why and when to use a particular framework
  • The core features of each software framework

So here we go.

9 Best Software Development Frameworks

Check the following table to quickly learn about the 9 different software development frameworks that help developers for rapid and stable development.

Frameworks IconFramework NameRelease YearCode Based onFamous Companies Using
Django logo1991Python
  • Delivery Hero
  • Robinhood
  • Udemy
Flask logo2010Python
  • Rackspace
  • Netflix
  • Mailgun
Spring logo2004Java
  • Zillow
  • SpaceX
  • Dell
TurboGears logo2005Python
  • RedHat
  • Ubisoft
  • Panopta
Ruby on Rails logo2004Ruby
  • Basecamp
  • Zendesk
  • Heroku
Play logo2007Scala
  • Linkedin
  • UniCredit Group
  • Eero
Spark logo2014Scala
  • eBay
  • Content Square
  • Baidu
Tauri logo2011Rust
  • UsTaxes
  • Xplorer
dot Net Core2002C++, C#
  • Cisco
  • JP Morgan Chase
  • Intel

As you have a basic understanding of different software development frameworks, let’s move further to understand each framework in detail by knowing properly when to use it, and why. So, it becomes easy to choose a particular framework for building software while preparing your stack of software development tools.

  1. Django (Python) – Get High Scalability and Efficiency

  2. Django is a Python-based open-source framework that helps software developers in the rapid development and secure development of websites and web-based softwares. The Django framework follows MVT (Model-View-Template). With this approach, it becomes easy to dynamically create an HTML template and in fact the data from models.

    It is a server-side framework that runs on the DRY concept (Don’t Repeat Yourself). This way, you get reusable components of your code for faster development. This framework also offers several features like a login system, database connection and CRUD operations readily available.

    Why Use Django for Software Development?

    • Django is made with the philosophy of (Don’t Repeat Yourself) so developers do not need to code every time from scratch.
    • Django is a powerful and secure framework that enables developers to find ways to ensure common security checks, SQL injection, and clickjacking.
    • Django offers inbuilt support of features, such as URL routing, page templates, working with data, object-relational mapping, and session management.

    When to Use Django in Software Development?

    In the following conditions, you can use the Django framework in your software development process.

    When you want to

    • Develop a financial platform with advanced features like analyzing data and doing calculations as required.
    • Create high-performance providing booking or shopping platforms.
    • Create CRM software systems for businesses.
    • Create machine learning and AI-based software.
    • Develop a software application that requires fewer efforts and offers faster development.
    • Create an open-source software application.

    Which are the Core Features of the Django Framework?

    Here are core features or tools in the Django framework that help to develop software or web apps with ease.

    • Form API
    • Authentication
    • Pagination
    • Sessions
    • Data validation
    • Syndication feed
    • Logging
    • Caching

    Want to Develop a Software Application Using Django Framework?

    We are a leading software development company, having experience in developing 300+ custom software solutions.

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  3. Flask – Get Reliability and Faster Development

  4. Flask is a web app lightweight framework. This framework is written using the Python programming language. Flask is a microframework that helps developers to create web apps quickly. The Flask framework is dependent on the Jinja template engine and Werkzeug WSGI toolkit. This framework is designed in a way that it is easy to keep the core parts of the application simple and scalable.

    Why Use Flask for Software Development?

    Use Flask framework because you want:

    • A security-based framework for doing Python software development.
    • Develop web apps that scale over time.
    • Complete control over your codebase.
    • You want an in-built testing facility that enables you to test your code before making it live.

    When to Use Flask in Software Development?

    Use the Flask framework when you to

    • Create a single-page web application that is flexible and offers fast performance.
    • Create applications that work on RESTful API.
    • Create SAS applications with complex functionalities.
    • Create applications that work on Microservices.
    • Create serverless applications that are highly scalable.

    Which are the Core Features of Flask Framework?

    Here are some of the key features of the Flask framework.

    • Built-in development server
    • Fast code debugger
    • REST-ful request dispatching
    • Jinja2 templating
    • HTTP request handling
  5. Spring – Get High-level Security and Quick Development

  6. Spring is a Java-based application development framework. Easily develop secure, reactive, cloud-based and even complex streaming applications that are highly functional with Spring. Spring framework is based on the Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection, which provides the core feature of this framework. Using the Spring framework developers are able to get speed, productivity, and simplicity on the go. Amazon, Google, and Microsoft are a few of the top companies that use Spring in their development.

    Why Use Spring Framework?

    Use Spring framework because:

    • To deploy the entire microservices-based architectural applications in the cloud servers.
    • To create software for streaming TV or online shopping apps quickly.
    • This framework is secure and fast that helps you to create enterprise applications perfectly.
    • To create complex enterprise software applications that are scalable in the future.
    • This framework is mature and has a large pool of active development community to help.
    • This framework is flexible for creating software for TV to AI-based applications.

    When to Use Spring Framework?

    Use Spring framework when you want to

    • Create evolvable microservices-based applications.
    • Create a cloud-based application that is scalable as per the platform.
    • Create web apps that are fast, secure, and high-functional.
    • Develop a serverless application that is flexible and scalable as per requirements.
    • Create event-driven solutions that help enterprise businesses to work accordingly.

    Which are the Core Features of Spring Framework?

    Here are some of the core features of the Spring framework.

    • Inversion of control
    • Dependency injection
    • Third-party integration
    • Reactive programming model
  7. TurboGears – Get Development Flexibility

  8. TurboGears is a modern and full-stack web development framework of Python. This framework is created around the Model-View-Controller structure, which is designed to carry out rapid web app development in Python programming language. TurboGears is also considered the microframework after the launch of its 2.3 version.

    Because this framework then started providing the features of “minimal code” where you don’t need a whole stack for the development tasks. This framework works on the philosophy of Templating and Routing.

    Why Use TurboGears Framework for Development?

    Use the TurboGears framework because:

    • TurboGears facilitates the development of small as well as complex app development.
    • TurboGears allows to creation a web application that is flexible and extensible as required.
    • This framework that is capable of solving complex industrial business problems.

    When to Use TurboGears in Software Development?

    Use TurboGears when you want to

    • Create a web-based software that is more dependable on the relationship modules.
    • Create a dynamic and user-friendly web application.
    • Create applications that are heavily based on AJAX with ease.
    • A rapid development web framework that seamlessly works well.

    Which are the Core Features of TurboGears?

    Here are the list of the key features of TurboGears framework

    • Pylons
    • Command
    • Page script templates
    • FormEncode
    • ToscaWidgets
  9. Ruby on Rails – Build Dynamic and Scalable Web Software

  10. Ruby on Rails is a full-stack web application framework that helps you to build dynamic web-based applications with ease. This framework has all the important tools required to create a web application from front-end to back-end.

    Rails frameworks completely work in the Model-View-Controller structure that helps developers to structurize the application’s code with ease. In addition, this framework works on the principles of Don’t Repeat Yourself, Active Record Pattern, and Convention over Configuration.

    Why Use Ruby on Rails?

    Use Ruby on Rails because:

    • This framework is reliable to create dynamic and complex web apps or platforms.
    • This framework offers rapid development as well as code modification easily.
    • This framework that offers multiple features to create dynamic and complex applications.
    • Testing capability in the framework so it becomes for your test before deployment.
    • You want a framework that is open-source and also supports libraries for development.

    When to Use Ruby on Rails in Software Development?

    Use RoR when you want to

    • Create web-based dynamic and large-size eCommerce platforms.
    • Create web APIs that help developers.
    • Create web-based stock marketing platforms with complex functionalities.
    • Create social networking platform that is reliable and flexible.
    • Create SaaS-based software applications that offer optimum performance.

    Which are the Core Features of the Ruby on Rails Framework?

    • Scaffolding
    • Active records
    • Turbolinks
    • Debugging

    Want to Create a Web-based Software Application?

    First, let’s connect to discuss your requirements. Our experienced developers will create a software application that is scalable and fast in performance.

  11. Play Framework – Get Easy and Flexible Development

  12. Play is one of the best software development frameworks written in Scala and Java programming languages. This framework is based on the Model-View-Controller architectural pattern. Play framework is based on the principles of Convention over configuration, and hot code reloading.

    Samsung, Verizon, EA Sports, Eero, and Linkedin are a few of the companies. Whether you want to develop mobile, web, or software applications, the Play framework makes everything easy and flexible to develop without facing any hassle. Because of this, Play is considered a full-stack framework.

    Why Use Play Framework in Software Development?

    • If you are familiar with Scala and Java, the Play framework will help to build robust web and mobile applications.
    • If you want to create an application that runs super fast and keeps underloading, use this framework.
    • If you are planning to create scalably and high-performing that are reliable to perform up to the mark.

    When to Use Play Framework for Software Development?

    Use Play Framework when you want to

    • Create web applications that heavily use Big Data for operations.
    • Create mobile apps that perform extensively based on Java.
    • Create web apps that have a front end built in JavaScript and a backend in Java.

    Which are the Core Features of Play Framework?

    • Built-in testing tools
    • Type safety
    • IDE support for Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA
    • Built on Akka
    • Runs on JVMv
    • Asset Compiler for CoffeeScript and LESS
  13. Spark – Get Highly Accurate and Useful Data

  14. Apache Spark is a famous framework known for its “lightning-fast cluster computing”. This framework works as a fast data processing platform. With this framework, you are easily able to perform multiple tasks, including machine learning, batch processing, and stream processing.

    In short, the Spark framework processes a large set of volumes easily without much effort. Apache Spark frameworks work on master-salve architecture as its cluster is made up of a single master and multiple slaves.

    Why Use Spark Framework for Software Development?

    • Whether you have software in Python, Java, Scala, or R language, this framework supports multiple programming languages.
    • To process the data processing platform fast and reliably as it allows you to run programs 100x faster in memory.
    • To create data reports from the large pool of databases from the application.
    • A framework that helps you to solve the problem of machine learning and distributing data integration.

    When to Use Apache Spark Framework for Development?

    Use Apache Spark framework when you want

    • To work with Big Data in the cloud servers.
    • A platform that helps you to work along with your other software development team members.
    • A short learning curve for data processing so you can start working on the project as soon as possible.
    • To perform batch and streaming tasks for each type of your work.

    Which are the Core Features of Apache Framework?

    • Fast processing of big data
    • Performs and offers better data analytics
    • Hadoop compatibility
    • Real-time processing of your real-time data
    • In-memory computing
  15. Tauri Framework – Get High Security and Performance

  16. Tauri is a Rust-based framework that helps to build tiny applications for multiple platforms. The CLI of this framework is built in Node.js making it the best software framework to develop and maintain applications. This framework is a must in your software development tools.

    One of the best advantages of this framework is that you can use code for your backend in Python, Go, Nim and C#. No other mobile app development framework or web development framework allows such an advantage.

    Why Use Tauri Framework?

    • If you want to create a desktop application that has a frontend with web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and a backend with low-level programming languages.
    • If you want to create secure and tiny-sized native apps that work fast and work on all major desktop platforms.
    • If you are looking for an alternative to the Electron framework, then using the Tauri framework is the right option.

    When to Use Tauri Framework for Development?

    Use the Tauri framework when you want to

    • Create single-page applications that are tiny-sized and offer optimum performance.
    • Create desktop applications that work on almost all platforms.
    • Create desktop apps that consume less memory on the platforms.

    Which are the Key Features of the Tauri Framework?

    • Multi window
    • Plugin integrations
    • Splashscreen
    • Window customization
    • Making your own CLI
    • Desktop builder
    • Self updater
  17. .Net Framework – Get Scalable and Structured Server Apps Development

  18. Whether you are a junior or senior developer, you must be knowing .Net Framework. This framework is majorly used for developing and running Windows frameworks. Microsoft Corporation developed the .Net framework to make it easy to build desktop and web applications.

    The .Net framework is designed and developed according to the ecosystem of Microsoft. The major two components of the .Net framework are Common Language Runtime (CLR) and Class Library.

    Why Use .Net Framework for Development?

    • If you are looking for a reliable and secure framework to develop desktop or cloud applications for Windows.
    • If you are looking to develop enterprise applications that are reliable and fast working, then using the .Net framework is useful.
    • If you are looking for a framework that is reliable to create IoT applications based on the Windows operating system.

    When to Use .Net framework for Development?

    Use the .Net framework when you want to

    • Create applications that are fast and scalable for the Windows operating system.
    • Create a desktop application for banking or financial institutes that are extremely secure.
    • You want to develop a cloud-based scalable application that offers optimum performance.
    • A software framework that is reliable to build AI, ML, or Apache Spark-based applications.

    Which are the Core features of the .Net framework?

    • Automatic resource management
    • Language interoperability
    • Portable
    • Type safety
    • Debugging
    • Common executive environment

    So these are the software and web development frameworks. Choosing the right software framework totally depends on your requirements. But, by going to this list, you surely will be able to make proper decisions when it comes to selecting the right software framework.

Want to Create a Desktop-based Software Application?

Book a free consultation. Discuss your requirements with us. Our developers will help you create reliable desktop apps.

Still, do you have questions regarding the software framework? Check this following FAQ section to get answers easily to your questions.

FAQ About Software Development Framework

  1. Why are frameworks used for software development?

    A software development framework helps developers to build and maintain software applications. This software framework provides a stable and well-defined structure for the application. It also includes code libraries that accelerate development.

  2. What is the difference between a software programming language and a framework?

    The difference between a programming language and a framework is that a framework is a set of library sets that simplify software programming. Whereas, a programming language is an actual syntax with a set of methods and functions to write code by the development team.

  3. What is the difference between a library and a framework?

    The main difference between a library and a framework is a framework collection of libraries that helps in development. Whereas, a library consists of functions and methods that help to implement a particular function.

Choose the Right Software Framework for Your Development

So, now you have a fair idea about the different software frameworks used by developers. You can decide which software development framework is most suitable for your business needs.

However, if you want to develop software, you can consult the best software company in Canada. With their experience, the team can build fast and robust software that helps you to grow your business accordingly.

If you have any queries or questions, get in touch with us to clear your doubts.

Founder and CEO of Space-O Technologies (Canada)
October, 17 2022

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